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List Your Property

January 27, 2020 by admin

Join a growing group of property owners on Vancouver Island. List your vacation rental with Trip Vacation Rentals, and start earning income from your space.

Trip Vacation Rentals provides expert vacation rental property management with your best interests and convenience in mind. You have choices when it comes to promoting your vacation rental property. Trip Vacation Rentals delivers results that you can count on, advertising your rental home across a large network. We focus on peace of mind for you, and an amazing rental experience for our guests.


Get a return on your property. Our mandate is to get the right people into the right accommodation, which translates into great returns for you. Our owners are often surprised at the income they’re able to take away from their property each year.

You’ll have peace of mind. Listing your vacation rental with Trip Vacation Rentals means we put care and effort into managing your home as if it were our own. We work with you to discover a rental plan that suits your needs as a property owner.

Get the exposure you need. We work hard to promote Trip Vacation Rentals as the most outstanding source for accommodation on Vancouver Island. We list across a number of networks to make sure that your property gets seen by the audience it needs.

Are you new to vacation rentals?

We know this industry well, and we understand the steps it takes to plunge into the vacation rental market—everything from building trust in the process, to understanding the financials, to how we’ll promote, book, and fulfill our obligations to you and your property. We work closely and personally with every owner to ensure comfort and lasting success as we set up their rental property.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still use my home for personal use?
Of course you can. Just keep in mind that the peak rental season is when you will see the biggest returns on your investment. We encourage homeowners to schedule personal use of the property in the shoulder or winter seasons.

What supplies do I need?
We supply most of the consumables. However, we will provide you with a comprehensive list of basic supplies and amenities that you will need to purchase, but there’s a good chance that you already have many of these initial supplies.

Who arranges the cleaning and maintenance?
We do! Your home will be professionally cleaned after each guest, and will be inspected after each clean. During the off season, we will check on your property once a week. We maintain a list of qualified contractors for those bigger jobs too (landscaping, pressure washing, window cleaning, plumbing, electrical, etc.)

Start renting your place…

Get in touch with us to start listing your vacation rental with Trip Vacation Rentals. We’ll walk you through the simple steps of renting your property with us, and you can start reaping the benefits in as little as a few weeks!